First and foremost, we are survivor advocates.

Do you have a question about the services we offer to survivors?

We tailor our services to the needs of individual clients, supporting survivors in

  • Getting connected to valuable and trustworthy resources.
  • Considering options for holding perpetrators and enablers accountable.
  • Navigating formal or informal reporting and investigatory processes.
  • Communicating with pastors, administrators, law enforcement, family, friends, or other relevant parties.
  • Telling their story.
  • Working for transformative change in settings where violence has occurred.

Don’t see what you need on the list?

Don’t worry. It’s not exhaustive. We encourage you to reach out, let us know what you’re looking for, and we promise to do our best to think creatively with you about how we might be able to offer support.

Our primary commitment is to make ourselves available to survivors who want strategic support as they navigate their options following an experience of sexual violence, whether that experience happened recently or decades past.

Our services for survivors are free of charge.

In all of our work with survivors, we believe that survivors are owed our unending respect. We believe survivors have the right to be in full control of the process. We aim to meet survivors where they are, wherever that is. We are here to offer what support we can, no strings attached. Check out our “About Us” sections to learn more about our analysis of sexual violence, our philosophy of advocacy, and our approach to faith.

Want to create a report?

Survivors and whistleblowers, you can submit a confidential report to an Into Account of harm in Christian settings. You can control who (if anyone) finds out, and what (if anything) happens next.

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